Writing for Recovery

A New Beginning

Poetry & Writing

You can upload your work here.

My Letter to My Future Self

Dear Future Self, You’ve always been cool. Maybe too cool. You[…]

My Letter to Addiction

To Addiction, It’s been so long since I met you. You[…]

A Writing Community
for Sober Writers

Upload your work to soberpoets.com and enjoy the community of sober writers— those who are in recovery, and everyone else enjoying sobriety.

We enjoy building an online fellowship of writers. Visit the forum for community questions, thoughts, and answers, or read the submitted work for inspiration and affirmation. Stay sober out there.

Write & Post
Your Letter to Addiction

Write a letter to your addiction. It feels great to admit to a problem, then say goodbye to it with words. Read it to your family and friends and leave your addiction behind.

Write & Post a Letter
to Your Past or Future Self

When you write a letter to yourself, you can free your feelings and focus on healing. By writing the letter, tell yourself how you felt at the time of writing, and what you would like to tell or warn yourself in a different timeline.

Share Your Work!

Go ahead, share your stuff. It don’t cost nothin’.